If you’re passionate about your cigars, passionate about the good things in life, if you enjoy taking the time-out to smoke the natural pleasure of an elite brand, or perhaps a future Canadian Cigar Shop Classic, then let us pull a tray for you from our humidor.
Today, direct from our factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, along with our global suppliers, to our eleven Canadian Cigar Shops, we offer our expertise and services catering to you, the cigar smoker.
Drawing on our own family history, our original flagship store opened in 1998 in Oakville, Ontario. Now, two decades later, we are pleased to be the province’s preferred convenience for a tasteful range of cigars across all origins.
At Havana Castle Cigars we are committed to providing you with a full cigar experience.
Not a day goes by where one of our tobacconists is not greeted with the question in our humidor, “We have an event to attend and you have so many great cigars, what would you recommend?”
Our cigars provide the perfect balance of flavour and aroma.
We offer cigars with varying strengths and flavour profiles. Mild, medium or with a full-strength body, each equally prominent, each – equally welcoming – something that is exactly right.
We all can agree, our selection has something distinctive for everyone. Whether you are a cigar aficionado, a special occasion smoker or anything in-between.
Whatever the task. Whatever the hour. We’ll see that you have the most easy-going cigar that naturally be your best companion.
To us, quality and controls are of the highest importance. Cigars must be kept properly, within the correct humidity conditions from the very moment they leave the factory, until the very moment they touch your lips.
As it is now, you may find that our curated selection of cigars, including our increasingly popular Havana Castle House Blends are a great investment in personal pleasure.
From our humble beginnings, we have developed Havana Castle House Blends providing value with an individual taste you have grown to expect.
If you prefer an authentic Cuban Cigar, our Habanos S.A. Cuban Cigars are produced by a branch of the Cuban government.
The point is – this tobacco is renowned for being the finest on the planet. Its unique richness and dimension are due to four factors – climate, soil, seed, and the lifelong skill and expertise passed along by generations of Cuban tobacco growers.
Most importantly, is our relationship with you. And we hope and trust to have many more years to develop and deepen that friendship.
So why not treat yourself? We have so many select cigars at our stores. We encourage you to visit our Canadian Cigar Shop today.
Now, we’d like to introduce you to our co-founders, Alex & Andy.
As you might imagine, these two brothers are truly passionate about your cigars.
Turn on your smell vision because as of right now, the brothers have successfully set the seal on eleven Canadian Cigar Shop locations.
These skilled and knowledgeable cigar lovers provide you with education, support and prompt service.
That all staff members, at all times, at all of their Canadian Cigar Shop branches – represent – Havana Castle’s expertise in every detail.
In Toronto, Alex Razek is the cigar tsar and he’s a co-founder of Havana Castle Cigars. A steadfast Toronto Blue Jays fan who swims for fun and exercise. Alex is known for his taste in cigars. He’s resolute about what he sells at his boutique cigar shops and he really enjoys savouring Cuban Cohibas and non-Cuban Nicaraguans.
Andy Razek is our Oakville Manager and he’s one of the founders of Havana Castle cigars. Andy is all about passion for work and passion for life and has been helping you to discover the pleasures of cigar smoking for over two decades. And today, when he isn’t cheering on his beloved Toronto Raptors or getting an adrenaline rush from skydiving, you’ll find him enjoying an exquisite Partagas D4 from Cuba, or his preferred Havana Castle House Blend Cigar, the Black Havana Castle.