

These cigars are synonymous with luxury. They are elegant choices for discerning cigar aficionados. If you want refinement, we think that you’ll adore our selection of authentic Davidoff cigars. They are produced by a Swiss luxury brand with a long history and a superb reputation. In addition to cigars, Davidoff produces colognes, fine spirits and luggage. However, the company is definitely best-known for its exquisite cigars, which offer the ultimate in character, balance and feel.

The Davidoff company was founded in order to offer the finest tobacco blends to customers. Clients were influential people of means. During the late 1940s, the company’s Grand Cru and Chateau cigars were praised all over the globe. Today, the legacy continues. Cigars produced by this revered company are made with the best tobaccos and crafted via intuitive processes.

During the 70s, the company aimed to bring Dominican cigars into the spotlight, by making them as coveted as Cubans. They created irresistible blends which are still beloved in the Internet Age.

To give our customers something special, we provide authentic Davidoff cigars from the Dominican Republic. Buy them today in order to enjoy a taste of history, luxury and unparalleled quality.


Inspired by Zino Davidoff’s pioneering spirit, we at Davidoff continue our mission to allow the modern aficionado to experience innovative, unique blends and unforgettable cigars. That mission led us to craft an exciting Brazilian cigar that delivers an intense, spicy sweet palate stimulation, coupled with the signature Davidoff refinement and sophistication.

We found our inspiration in Rio, the soul of Brazil, and in the rhythms, intrigue, and rich experiences of its nights. And, just like an adventurous evening in this vibrant city, this complex and original cigar will carry you along on a taste adventure with unexpected twists and turns. Allow us to introduce to you, the Davidoff Escurio.
Rhythm. Intrigue. Originality.

Strength: Full Body

Sizes Available

Escurio Corona Gorda
Escurio Gran Perfecto
Escurio Gran Toro
Escurio Petit Robusto
Escurio Robustos

Grand Cru

Total sophistication. The Grand Cru series brings you a depth and character second to none – an enchanting mild to medium-body experience.

Davidoff cigars are known for their quality and prestige. The Davidoff Grand Cru Series has a luxurious Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This wrapper gives the Davidoff Grand Cru a nice full- flavoured profile. Within the cigar there is an aged Dominican filler that provides a solid medium-bodied strength. With nutty flavours, spicy back notes, and sweet finish with a higher proportion of strong Ligero tobacco, this cigar has complexity unlike others. Rolled by only the best Torcedores in the Davidoff facility, these cigars are the paramount of the industry.

Strength: Medium to Full

Sizes Available

Grand Cru No. 1
Grand Cru No. 2
Grand Cru No. 3
Grand Cru No. 4
Grand Cru No. 5
Grand Cru Robusto
Grand Cru Toro

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