In the opinion of Nicaraguan cigar factory owner, Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca, Nicaragua is to cigars what California’s balmy Napa Valley is to wine. His cigar factory is named, Joya de Nicaragua, and its facade shows the scars of a long-ago Sandinista uprising. The factory itself has been in operation for over forty-seven years and it exports high-quality Nicaraguan cigars to over fifty countries worldwide.
The scars of war are something which the factory’s owner believes that everyone should see. He views them as a symbol of the brutality of war, and as a warning…for this reason, he never paints over them.
As you can see, Nicaragua is a place with a real history. It’s also one of the world’s premier tobacco-growing countries. Since cigars from Nicaragua are so exceptional, we carry a wide variety of them, including AJ Fernandez, Alec Bradley and Asylum. We know that they offer taste, feel and aroma which are exquisite. Our most popular Nicaraguan cigar is probably the Alec Bradley!
Carry a Nicaraguan cigar in order to enjoy its potent tobacco, which is truly the stuff of legend! You’ll love our collection of Nicaragua cigars, which are competitively-priced, so why not try them today?